2021 National Summit | MOBE

Welcome, 2021 National
Summit attendees.

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We’re ready to partner with you on a new way of achieving member health. MOBE combines data analytics, digital platforms, and a novel one-to-one personalized approach to help your members live healthier, happier lives—and deliver guaranteed savings.

How MOBE works: we find, then we engage.

MOBE uses data analytics to identify a specific population: those who use health care frequently but don’t take advantage of the wellness solutions currently offered. We reach out in ways they find meaningful—offering understanding, guidance, and support—and engage them at an average rate of 70%.

People want to do better.

Participants tell us they know what they should be doing to stay healthier, but they just can’t do it on their own. MOBE engages people where they are, offering them concrete ways to improve nutrition, sleep, fitness, social stressors, emotional health, and medication use, helping them create the healthy, happy life they desire.

How you save with MOBE.

In reviewing over one billion claims, MOBE consistently finds 10% who account for 30% of all costs in a population. Seldom does this group choose to participate in other health and wellness programs offered to them. MOBE identifies and engages this group, breaking the cycle of frequent medical utilization.

your unengaged

Infographic - a hidden 5% of your health care members account for 20% of health care costs

Estimate your
savings with MOBE:

$9.7 million
in guaranteed savings over 3 years*
Estimated savings calculation is based on historical average savings rate and market trends. MOBE will work with you to determine your final savings.

I FINALLY feel like I’m getting my money’s worth with MOBE. You’ve made all those premiums worth it. I mean it. And it’s so smart because if I had kept going down the train tracks that I was on, it would’ve been so much more expensive! You should want people to be in control of their situation.”

— Mariah, MOBE participant