4 Tips to Remember Your Meds | MOBE

4 Tips to Remember Your Meds

Do you take a prescription and a supplement at breakfast? Do you need to take your over-the-counter med right before bedtime? Keeping track of all your medications can be tricky. Easily manage a couple meds––or many––with these four tips.

Use medication organizers. 

Separate your meds by days of the week or time of day to keep them in order. You can find organizers at pharmacies, big retailers, and online. You can also ask your pharmacy about bubble packs. This type of packaging bundles all the meds that you take at the same time together.

Create visual reminders or cues.

After taking a dose, turn the bottle upside down. At the end of the day, turn all the bottles right-side-up and repeat the process the next day. Now, it’s simple to see which medications you’ve already taken. Need another at-a-glance reminder? Place sticky notes on your fridge or mirror to remember to take your daily dose of each medication.

Try a med reminder app.

Set up alerts via text, email, or app notifications to make sure you always take your meds on time. 

Make up your own method.

Be creative and use a unique way to jog your memory. Track your medications with a handwritten journal or schedule repeat reminders on your smartphone. You can also create a routine, like taking your meds every day after you brush your teeth.

Try one of these tips or combine a few to always remember your meds. 

Know your meds.

Make the most of your medications, understand the labels, and minimize risks with a licensed MOBE Pharmacist.

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