6 Ways Your Emotions Can Support Your Health | MOBE

6 Ways Your Emotions Can Support Your Health

When it comes to your health, the relationship between the mind and body is powerful. If you’re trying to make changes and improve your health, it’s crucial to recognize how the body and the mind affect one another.

Emotional and physical health are interconnected.

It’s widely understood that your physical well-being can influence your emotions. But did you know that your emotions can affect how your body functions? Your blood pressure, energy levels, weight, anxiety, and sleep are influenced by your emotional state.1 If you’re experiencing negative emotions due to stress in your life, it can cause symptoms like headaches, upset stomach, heartburn, and more. On the flip side, positive emotions like happiness, courage, and joy can improve these symptoms.

Take control of your emotions, take control of your health.

When you understand how the body and mind are connected, you can take control of your health. And it can start by being more intentional about your thoughts and emotions and how they affect your body.

By developing new habits and new ways of thinking, you can harness the power of your emotions to improve your overall well-being. Here are a few ways to get started. A MOBE Guide is ready to help you explore the following steps and more:

  1. Practice mindfulness and self-control. Gain an understanding of how your thoughts and feelings connect to your behavior and learn soothing techniques to help you build self-control.
  2. Build social support and belonging. Reflect on and engage the trusted relationships that affect your well-being and find out how to ask for and receive support.
  3. Make time for self-care. Build awareness of your needs and create self-care rituals that improve your well-being.
  4. Seek purpose and meaning. Explore your personal values and define your own sense of meaning and purpose by crafting a personal mission statement.
  5. Cultivate resilience to cope with negative emotions. Fear, loss, grief, anger, and sadness are all part of being human. You can learn skills to help you cope with these challenging emotions and become more resilient.
  6. Get professional help when needed. Your Guide and Pharmacist can provide insights into how your emotions may affect your health. But if you are concerned about your emotional health, consider seeking advice from your physician about options and recommendations for assistance.

A MOBE Guide can help you learn more about how your social and emotional well-being impacts your overall health. Get started with MOBE.


1. "Stress and Your Health,” NIH National Library of Medicine, MedlinePlus, https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/003211.htm.