Are you like millions who enjoy hours of television each day, or unwinding with an extra episode of the latest TV craze? If so, it’s possible you’re not getting the quality sleep your body (and mind) needs. Especially if you’re watching right before bed. If TV is part of your bedtime routine, it might be time to screen your screen time to help you get better sleep.
The more TV we watch, the less we move—and that can be harmful to our bodies. Leaving the television on can also impact your circadian rhythm,1 or the natural sleep pattern that your body follows with sunrise and sunset. TV gives off blue light, which tells your body to stay awake and alert. That makes it harder to fall (and stay) asleep. Switching a few habits can go a long way toward a longer period of much needed shut-eye.
It’s easy to get into a routine of taking in a movie or binge watching before bed. Limiting screen time at night can help you maintain a consistent bedtime routine, which helps you get better sleep. If you rely on the TV to fall asleep (and stay asleep), consider a few simple changes:
Watching TV in moderation can be fun and relaxing. Just remember to be aware of the amount of time you watch and how often. That way you can enjoy it while minimizing any effects on your sleep—and your health. A MOBE Guide can provide you with ideas to help improve your bedtime habits, so you can meet your well-being goals, which often include a good night of sleep. Get started today.
1. "Circadian Rhythms," National Institute of General Medical Science, National Institutes of Health, May 4, 2022, accessed April 13, 2023,