We recently partnered with Fierce Healthcare to host a webinar featuring Emily Griese, PhD, Chief Growth and Transformation Officer at Sanford Health Plan, to discuss cost containment strategies and other challenges affecting health plans. Sanford Health Plan is an innovative, provider-owned health plan whose primary network is in Minnesota, Iowa, North Dakota and South Dakota. Sanford Health Plan serves over 200,000 members with access to over 700,000 providers nationwide and manages 349 hospitals.
The full webinar, What’s Best, What’s Next: Successfully Navigating Cost Containment Initiatives, provided viewers important insights on various health care trends and topics including:
View the highlight videos below.
Learn how Sanford Health Plan addressed high-cost claims and a surge in utilization in Q4 of 2023, and how they are examining recent changes in specialty drug demand and the impact these changes have on the way people access and use their health care.
GLP-1s are incredibly effective innovations for treating the most persistent conditions, and yet they come at astronomical costs. Having the right programming around them to make sure they are utilized effectively is key. Emily Griese explains Sanford Health Plan’s approach regarding these breakthrough medications.
Building a strong work culture underpins Sanford’s ability to provide the best care. Yet, getting employees to become part of the solution can be challenging. Starting with happier employees who are excited to serve members is a great way to help contain costs. Hear Emily Griese describe the importance of culture at Sanford.
Engaging previously unengaged populations to be more proactive with their own health care, such as those who are on lower or fixed incomes and in rural areas, can be challenging. Hear Emily Griese explain how Sanford was successful in building a virtual care center to help with outreach and prevention.
Reducing fragmentation is crucial when it comes to reducing health care costs. Emily Griese explains how Sanford Health Plan employs a homebase strategy where the provider is in the center, but there is a support system filling in the gaps for the member, addressing issues before they become unmanageable.
Health plan management is truly a team effort and picking the right vendors is crucial to success and keeping costs in check. Hear Emily Griese describe her approach to selecting and aligning vendors for maximum impact.